The only thing you need to know about Copywriting

It was 2016 and I’d just spent 2 years of my life failing at trying to build an online business. I was finally fed up and decided to pay for some help.

I forked over $300 for a 15 minute phone call.

It was a massive stretch for me at the time.

It was with an online business coach who I’d been following for 2 years.
He was an older guy.
Plenty of life and business experience.

I was allowed one question with him, so he could ensure that he gave me the best possible answer for my next move.

At this stage, I’d just completed 2 failed virtual summits.

I didn’t really know why. Or what else I should do.
So the question I wanted an answer to was, why did they fail?

I told him about my very first summit, called the Optimal Energy Summit.

He said this one thing to me that stuck with me forever!

“Mitch, no one wakes up in the morning and says I want ‘optimal energy’.”

It’s so obvious now, but back then, before I knew anything about copywriting, it wasn’t!

From that point on I became obsessed with speaking more directly to my audience in the exact words they would use.

Fast forward a few years later…

My copywriting was no longer a 1/10, it was probably a 5/10. I’d managed to make a few hundred thousand dollars, predominantly from email marketing.

I had another great mentor, who taught me another missing piece.

Which was…

“Mitch, when you speak out loud do you say, “I am going to the beach and I would like you to come?”

Or do you say…

“I’m going to the beach and I’d like you to come?”

It’s subtle, but it makes all the difference in the world.

Your copywriting should feel like a conversation with a friend…

This is why it makes me cringe when I read copywriting directly from ChatGPT.

Unless you frequently use these words in your real life conversations like demystify, unveil, revolutionize, unparalled, exhilarating, electrifying, delve…

…then I’d recommend you STOP using them in your copywriting.

The only thing that ChatGPT has achieved for the masses is it’s made everyone, in every business, in every industry look the same.

I watched a sales video on the weekend by a webhosting company that said “we’re not just another web hosting solution, we’re a transformative experience”.

Bro, you keep websites on the internet. That was transformative in 1994 when the first web hosting company started, but since then it’s become a democratized service.

It may seem petty, but because of this, I won’t buy their product.
Even though, it’s actually a quality product.


Their messaging didn’t match their brand!

But I know it’s not just me…

I’m sure there are people you follow, and you’ll always follow because you like what they do, and if they use ChatGPT… so what!

But I’m also certain that…

You’ll never be moved by their words.

So the big question is this…

Who do you wanna be?

Do you want to be the person who uses ChatGPT without much thought?
Knowing that you could have done some extra editing…
Or that you could have taken the time to think deeper about what you really wanted to write!

Or do you want to be the person who moves your audience with your words?

Large Language Models used by ChatGPT and other AI models are programmed to give you the most likely next word.

By definition, they’re designed to make you look and sound just like everyone else.

And if you’re like everyone else, then everyone else is your competition.

And it becomes a race to the bottom!

That’s not the game I wanna play!

Do you?
– Mitch

P.S. If you’re a coach, consultant, speaker, infopreneur or online education business and want help with your copywriting, ads and funnels…

I’m about to launch a productized service that helps you launch marketing campaigns that are both authentic to your brand, and done using proven templates that have generated over 1 million leads.

If you’re interested, HIT REPLY, and I’ll send more info!

P.P.S. I’m speaking along with 9 other top entrepreneurs at AI For Impact! Sharing proven strategies on How To Attract Your Dream Clients, Supercharge Productivity & Have A Bigger Impact! Sign up here.

What I read this week:

OpenAI broke the internet – Sora is a text-to-video AI model that can create up to 60-second-long videos based on text prompts. It’s a diffusion model built upon past research in OpenAI’s DALL-E and GPT models.

My library of FREE GPTs’ You Can Use:

Promotional Email Copywriter (Statistics Angle) | Click Here

Promotional Email Copywriter (Pain Points Angle) | Click Here

Promotional Email Copywriter (Pain Point + Future Pace Angle) | Click Here

Customer Insight Report | Click Here


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Mitch Asser

Mitch Asser has been building online businesses since 2015. He spent his 20s hooked to his laptop, making magic happen while living Australia, Thailand, and Bali, and travelling around the rest of the world. Mitch has helped generate over 1 million leads for his and other brands. He's built four companies that hit it big in the 6-7 figure range. And has become one of the world's leading authorities on virtual summits, after producing or advertising more than 60 in total. He's now sharing how to automate your business with no-code tools and AI Automations.

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