The importance of customer feedback and iteration

Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s vital for your success: customer feedback.

Why do most people struggle with it?

It’s simple: they don’t listen to their customers or market feedback.

In this newsletter, I’ll explore the three stages of customer feedback: figuring out what customers want, confirming if they’ll buy, and learning what can be improved.

But first…

I just released an entire two and a half hour tutorial that shows the entire Content Repurposing System and how to build it.

video preview

If you’re a content creator or entrepreneur who uses content marketing then it’s worth checking out.

It’s because of this dashboard, and a couple of others I’ve built but not talked about yet, that I’ve gone from working 5-days a week in my pet care business to 1-day per week.

While still improving profit each month.

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

OK, back to today’s topic – customer feedback!

There are 3 stages of customer feedback:

  1. What do they want
  2. Will they buy
  3. What can be improved

What Do They Want

If you’ve ever heard a guru say “create a business around what YOU love” be very skeptical.

It’s ridiculous advice. It infers that your business is all about you. It’s not!

It’s about the customer. And what they want.

A year ago I spent a couple of months in a startup accelerator.

Speaking to other founders and investors.

The biggest thing I learned from the investors is that they invest in founders who have what it takes build something great.

They don’t really invest in the product.

Investors know that the product that gets pitched in seed stage is nothing like what the product will become.

The founder has one idea of what it will look like.

But the market (the people who actually buy the product) will want something different.

The only task the founder has is to create a product that the largest group of customers want and will pay for.

When I started this newsletter a few months ago I had no idea what direction it would take.

All I did was share what I was creating.

And following the nudges I got from people in my audience.

When there was a request to purchase the Content Repurposing System, I made it available in the fastest way possible.

I had no training videos. No salespage.

No onboarding emails or segmenting.

Some of the automations could have been more optimized.

But people still wanted it.

Will They Buy

It’s one thing to have people request to buy a product.

Or you can ask as many people as you want “if they will buy XYZ thing”…

It’s a whole other story when people actually pull their cards out and buy something.

Especially when it’s people who have only heard about you for the first time in the previous 30 days.

That’s why I rarely waste time on guru advice of “go and speak to 100 of your friends and see if they will buy {insert your idea here}.”

Firstly, the people you know are probably never going to buy from you.

Secondly, getting a letter of intent from someone is completely different to them handing money over to you.

For every single workshop we’ve done in our pet care business, we’ve sold the workshop FIRST before we ever created anything.

If you don’t make enough sales for it to be worth it, you can simply refund those who did pay.

Fortunately, out of the 14+ workshops we’ve done, we’ve only ever had to refund customers once.

That’s a pretty decent strike rate for successful online workshops.

What Can Be Improved

Now that you have customers, it doesn’t stop there.

I’ve been selling the Content Repurposing System for 2 weeks and I’ve already made 2 decent iterations.

One was to make the workflows easier to import.

The other was to add an “idea enhancer” workflow based on customer feedback.

Iterating on your products and listening to your customers is what creates true fans and drives testimonials.

This week I’m hiring a part-time VA to help improve this workflow even more.

I’ll be implementing a “community prompts” database where those who purchase the template can add their prompts and help others in the community.

And we’ll continue collecting feedback from the customers.

Any small iterations will become new versions of the CRS.

And larger ideas and feedback will become new products.

It’s as simple as that!

That’s a wrap on customer feedback!

Remember, your business thrives when you listen to your customers.

Start by finding out what they want, check if they are willing to buy, and always look for ways to improve.

Use the insights from today to enhance your products and keep your customers coming back.
– Mitch

Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

Content Repurposing System: If you’re looking to get started with your own custom AI Automation Workflows, I turned my personal workflow in a template that you can use as a starting point to increase quality and productivity in content creation. Learn more about it here.

1-1 Marketing Growth & Automation Consulting: If you’re doing over $25k/month and want help to build and scale your marketing engine, including custom AI automation workflows, I can help with strategic plans, growth strategy and optimizing workflows. Learn more about it here.

Airtable For Beginners (Content Creator Edition)

Mitch Asser

Mitch Asser has been building online businesses since 2015. He spent his 20s hooked to his laptop, making magic happen while living Australia, Thailand, and Bali, and travelling around the rest of the world. Mitch has helped generate over 1 million leads for his and other brands. He's built four companies that hit it big in the 6-7 figure range. And has become one of the world's leading authorities on virtual summits, after producing or advertising more than 60 in total. He's now sharing how to automate your business with no-code tools and AI Automations.

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