Hold up! Don’t Automate Everything Just Yet

I get it. You’re busy. Your to-do list is a mile long. You’re thinking, “If only I could automate some of this stuff, life would be so much easier.”

But hold up! There’s a right and wrong time to automate your parts of your business. And sometimes, it’s just too soon.

This topic has come up a few times in the last few weeks as I’ve had calls with customers of the Content Repurposing System.

I’ve spent as much time as possible learning how and why other people are using it. It’s been insightful!

In this email I’m going to share my thought process behind how I determine when it makes sense to automate.

It’s critical to take all of these into account…

Does it work when it’s not automated:

This is the first critical step!

If you don’t know whether it works before it’s automated, then do it manually a few times first.

Before I started creating the Content Repurposing System we’d spent years on some of the processes I automated like podcast/summit notes and emails.

We knew they worked. It’s how we grew our business so quickly.

So it was an easy process to automate because I knew it intimately.

Slight tangent: there can be some benefit tapping into existing workflows of others if you’re strategy is largely the same as theirs. This is why I added the social media content section to the CRS by adopting what’s working for the largest content creators and automated it for myself.

What’s the Cost Vs Benefit Analysis:

Let’s consider this scenario…

Imagine an employee spends four hours every week on a repetitive task, with an hourly rate of $10. This translates to $40 per week or $2,080 annually.

Now, let’s say we want to automate this because 4 hours is a lot, right?!

But let’s say it’s going to cost $10,000 for someone to build that automation for us.

That’s 5 years before we get a return.

And that assumes that the process won’t change for 5 years. Which it probably will.

In that case, automation is a bad idea.

However let’s take the practical example of when I built the Content Repurposing System + some other workflows I’ve not shared yet…

I built it myself because I had spare time = $0 cash cost (just time cost)

  • Airtable = free
  • Make.com = $9
  • AI Models = only pay the usage but less than $50 per month.
  • Output = huge!

It’s saved me the expense of at least 2 team members — let’s call that $4,000 per month (offshore talent prices) or $48,000 per year in savings…

THAT!!! makes sense…

Finally… Integration Capabilities:

Finally we need to check if what we want to do is even possible.

Some of the best tools that we use in our manual workflows don’t have API access.

So it’s not possible to automate.

If that’s the case there are 3 options:

  1. Don’t automate it – not the most ideal situation
  2. Automate parts of it – often best solution
  3. Find less capable tools but with API access – sometimes works but not usually worth the headache

Bonus tip

Marketing and sales is the lifeblood of your business, and where most of your time, energy and resources should be spent.

Focus your time there first when it comes to automation.

But ultimately please remember this…

I get as excited as anyone else when I see what’s possible with automation.

But don’t let automation get in the way of revenue growth.

Especially in the early stages.

Revenue is the only thing that’s going to keep your business alive.

Stay focused!
– Mitch

Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

Content Repurposing System: If you’re looking to get started with your own custom AI Automation Workflows, I turned my personal workflow in a template that you can use as a starting point to increase quality and productivity in content creation. Learn more about it here.

1-1 Marketing Growth & Automation Consulting: If you’re doing over $25k/month and want help to build and scale your marketing engine, including custom AI automation workflows, I can help with strategic plans, growth strategy and optimizing workflows. Learn more about it here.

5 Free GPT’s for Marketing: I’ve put together a few GPT’s that are built on the exact templates I’ve used to generate over 1 million leads. GPT’s like:

  • Customer Insight ReportPromotional Email Copywriter (Statistics Angle)
  • Promotional Email Copywriter (Pain Points Angle)
  • Promotional Email Copywriter (Pain + Future Pace)
  • Detailed Podcast Summary Generator
  • Promotional Email Copywriter (Podcast Epdisode)

Get access here.

What to do when everything messes up

Mitch Asser

Mitch Asser has been building online businesses since 2015. He spent his 20s hooked to his laptop, making magic happen while living Australia, Thailand, and Bali, and travelling around the rest of the world. Mitch has helped generate over 1 million leads for his and other brands. He's built four companies that hit it big in the 6-7 figure range. And has become one of the world's leading authorities on virtual summits, after producing or advertising more than 60 in total. He's now sharing how to automate your business with no-code tools and AI Automations.

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