How To Use Testimonial Ads To Increase Your Return on Ad Spend


If you’re not using these ads you are leaving thousands of dollars on the table.

Do you want to know what they are?

Testimonial Ads!

There’s so many people that I see and, it’s mostly you know when you’re getting started, you’re trying to figure out the Facebook platform and very conservative or confused with your approach on what type of ads you run. Generally, most people just want more leads so they run leads ads first which are probably the hardest Ads to get working initially.

I remember my first campaign on Facebook I was getting leads for $20. Wasn’t fun! I didn’t enjoy that and I think I got two leads and then I said “that’s enough, Facebook doesn’t work for me.”

But now there’s days where I’m getting leads for 60 cents to to $1.00 in the very popular and ‘over-crowded’ health and wellness space. Or getting marketing leads for two dollars which is amazing, right!

But there’s 1 certain type of the ad that we can be running that will give us a larger return on our investment, provided our offer is great. A lot of people talk about retargeting
ads and how effective they are and I totally agree.

But Testimonial Ads in my opinion are one of the most cost effective and highest ROI producing ad we can be running within our Facebook Advertising Strategy.

Here’s what you need to make sure of when using testimonials in ads.

  1. Do you have permission from the person or are you blanking out personal details?

    We never want to do the wrong thing by our community, so always be checking in with the person first to see if we can use their testimonial. Or at the very least blank out any sensitive information. Bonus tip: add into your privacy policy any information people share with you may be used for marketing purposes (PS. I am not a lawyer, and check with your own personal lawyer first before using any of this in your business. Especially now with everybody’s new 4 favorite letters – GDPR)

  2. Don’t make claims!

    Facebook don’t like it when you make claims. Especially if they are not typical for others. And especially if you are in the health and fitness space. So don’t make claims, make sure your ads are worded correctly

  3. Does it comply to Facebook Guidelines?

    The last thing you want is your Facebook ad Account shutdown. This will happen if you do not comply. Some of your testimonials may be so good you need to edit them slightly to make sure they comply with the guidelines.

  4. Use Quotations in your ad

    There is something about using “quotations” in your ads that make people more engaged. People want to hear what others are doing. The quotations will generally imply that you are quoting someone else. Use them. Bonus tip: there are other ways you can use them in your lead generation ads as well for better performance.

I know for me this strategy has generated thousands and thousands of dollars for our online summit launches and there’s a part of me that doesn’t want to give away the secret.

But I believe in abundance, and I want you to win.

Get out there, take action. Become a better marketer and let me know how I have helped you get better results.

If you want to see one of my highest converting testimonial ads, there should be an optin around this post somewhere.

The Ultimate Prompt Stack For Promotional Emails | #003

Mitch Asser

Mitch Asser has been building online businesses since 2015. He spent his 20s hooked to his laptop, making magic happen while living Australia, Thailand, and Bali, and travelling around the rest of the world. Mitch has helped generate over 1 million leads for his and other brands. He's built four companies that hit it big in the 6-7 figure range. And has become one of the world's leading authorities on virtual summits, after producing or advertising more than 60 in total. He's now sharing how to automate your business with no-code tools and AI Automations.

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